another vote for hating public schools honestly, if they really suspected she had drugs or some other dangerous contraband (and really prescription ibprofen? jeez, that's two regular strength pills, no oxycodin or vicadin or something) they should have detained her and gotten the police and her parents involved. using my J.D from Law and Order U, if she did have something on her person, her attorney could argue she was improperly searched and the evidence shouldnt be admissible. did they search the people who named her? her locker? what the fuck were they thinking?
editted: and another thing!
simple justice blog has some additional information.
In a sworn statement submitted in the case, Safford Unified School District v. Redding, No. 08-479, Mr. Wilson said he had good reason to suspect Ms. Redding. She and other students had been unusually rowdy at a school dance a couple of months before, and members of the school staff thought they had smelled alcohol. A student also accused Ms. Redding of having served alcohol at a party before the dance, Mr. Wilson said.
apparently some of their "probable cause" was students acting rowdy months before. they need to define that time because, simple subtraction means the rowdiness could have come at the end of the previous school year, or the beginning of the school year in question. you mean kids acting rowdy in anticipation of summer vacation or residual energy from the summer. jee. whodathunkit. and the alcohol? it could have been sweat and/or all the various alcohol-based hair and body products being used in a gym full of tweenagers.