I took this from Bird'seyeview: Name a fandom, and I'll give you the scoop on at least three of my unpopular opinions related to that fandom.
Because my only fandom is HP, I like Bird'seyeview will alter the question.
I will follow the
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I loved Hermione in the books. It was refreshing to have a lead character who loved to study and learn and who by studying and learning magic made study more romantic and fun. I was thrilled that she was such a major contributor.
She has strong convictions and concern for others.
But I find Hermione to be ruthless enough that I wonder if being a muggle-born was what kept the hat from considering her for Slytherin. She decides what is the best most logical solution to a problem and then applies it ruthlessly without second thoughts. At times this is good because it leads to quick decisive thinking like her cursing of Harry's face when the Snachers caught them.
But at other times this can be horrifying. I found her decision to erase her parent's memory horrifying. (I wonder how she felt about it after she became a parent.) She never entertains doubts of the rightness of her actions once she has decided to act. The fact that she left clothes around for the house-elves to find against their will is disturbing if you think about it.
The cursing of Marieta's face is a case in point. I thought it was very in character and typical of how she acts in certains situations. I don't think she ever considered the full consequences of her actions. Some of this is the power she has at such a young age. She has an adolescent's conviction that if what she thinks needs to be done is right than there is no other argument at all, just do it.
This is one of the reasons I love Hermione. Even though Harry and Ron never really understand Hermione's relentless pursuit of knowledge, they respect her for it. She pushes them both to be better wizards, and she gets them out of quite a few tough spots.
That's interesting what you said about the possibility of Hermione being sorted into Slytherin. Many people question why she wasn't put in Ravenclaw, because in house shorthand, Ravenclaw just means smart, but I've never seen Slytherin mentioned for her. You brought up some really good points to support that. I think it's interesting that many people seem to gloss over that more ruthless side to Hermione.
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