Title: Electric Ladyland
Author: Vegablack62
Characters: Frank, Alice, Neville, Hannah
Rating: G
Word count: 322
Summary: Neville takes his parent on an outing.
Author's note: This may become a longer story. Its current form started as a drabble for the SQ_drabblers community for the prompt song. Frank is quoting from the Jimi Hendrix's song 1983...A Merman I Could Turn To Be from the Electric Ladyland album. Alice is humming the tune.
“Thanks for helping me with this,” Neville said. “It means a lot to me.”
“Don’t be silly,” Hannah replied slipping her arm around his waist. “I feel like I’m helping break prisoners out of gaol, even if it’s just for the day.” She nodded over to where Neville’s father sat in the sand staring out at the sea. A gull cried out overhead and he looked up watching the bird’s flight until it disappeared into the distance. Hannah wondered what the man was thinking; it had been years since he’d been beyond the St. Mungo’s exercise yard.
Alice searched the beach for stones, secreting her favorites away in her poor overworked pockets. She stopped to hold one up to the light, admiring the shine on its wet surface. Pleased, she made her way toward Neville, who reached out his hand in readiness.
“Somehow I knew I’d be getting one of these,” he said, as he smiled in thanks at his mother for her offering.
Alice beamed at her son and then shuffled back to the shoreline humming a strange unfamiliar tune.
“She hums old Muggle songs. Some of the Healers recognize them,” Neville said, stowing his gift away in his own pocket.
“Electric Ladyland,” Frank said.
They turned to him in surprise. Neville's dad rarely spoke; Hannah had only heard his voice three other times before.
“1983 -- a merman I could … be.” The words were clear, the meaning obscure.
Grabbing Neville’s hand, Frank pulled himself to a stand. “Jimi,” he said.
“No Dad,” his son corrected. “Neville.”
“Jimi,” Frank repeated firmly.
Neville steadied him. “Okay, Dad, Jimi.”
Frank tottered to the waters edge where he slowly, awkwardly reached for a stone and tossed it into the water.
“Down and down and down and down,” he sang looking pleased, “and down and down we go.”