Immediate thoughts regarding Klaus

Apr 21, 2011 22:05

 Okay...this is just my immediate reaction. I'll probably have some more things to say once I've thought on it a little more...

a) Wow. First episode I've really like Stefan in awhile. Respecting Elena's decisions even when he doesn't necessarily agree with them? Awesome.

b) Damon, you were notably more psychotic this episode...not cool (do you ever think about consequences?). Also, the relationship between Andy and Damon is very confusing. I see how they were trying to use it to develop Damon's character more...but I still don't understand. Why would she like him at all? We don't get any real time with them together, so it just feels like a waste. Would you stop being so distracted Damon? There are important things going on that you aren't really paying attention to! I appreciate going to see Katherine. Good move. But why haven't you talked to Caroline? She needs updates. You could also help Jenna figure out the situation. Just way to go off the deep end and generally not help the situation!

c) Sorry writers...but I don't really understand the conflict you are trying to build between Stefan and Damon. It feels more than a little forced. (Damon isn't usually this off...did something in particular set him off? Besides Elena making intelligent decisons and building good relationships with potential allies? C'mon be real.

d) So...Greta doesn't seem to be a 'prisoner' in any traditional sense. I'm curious to know what went down when she decided to work for Klaus, and why her father and brother reacted the way they did. (Also, what about her mother? Did they mention this in an earlier episode?) And how will she react when she finds out the rest of her family died working for Elijah?

e) This world-building is a little...lame. C'mon really? The werewolf vs. vampire thing has been kind of done to death. That's the whole curse thing? Really? Also...are we actually going to find out how the originals were created? Why did they pick Eastern Europe in particular (they weren't terribly specific. Are we talking Transylvania and the Balkans? I was hoping the creation of the originals was going to be a little more prominent in terms of the curse, in the mythic trope of bargains for power with terrible side-effects, or born out of terrible war and very limited options...). Also...witches as servants of nature? That somewhat implies that all witches have a similar agenda, when we know that isn't really true (the witch mythology on this show is so unspecific and vague!).

f) I totally called the strangeness of the Aztec curse as misleading. You can't mix mythologies like that! Things kind of make sense again!

g) Why did Stefan look so guilty when Elena was with Jenna at the boarding house?

h) Where is Caroline!? I am actually kind of glad that this episode was more focused, so we had a lot of time with Elena and Elijah (awesome!), and the mythology suggest some interesting potential for plot lines with Caroline and I will hope even more firmly that Caroline survives the season. I heard that the writers really like Matt...but I don't know why! None of his plot lines have been very interesting...and I like him less and less as the show goes on. Though maybe Caroline and Damon could have gone to see Katherine, instead of Andy...who mostly felt very random in that situation.

the vampire diaries, episode commentary

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