Do you know what I just realized? I hate art. I hate everything about it. I hate how my art teacher expects me to be perfect with every project I do. I hate how everyone's better at it than I am. I hate how I can't go to Sweden and see Craig and Elijah. I hate how plane tickets cost a ridiculous amount of money. I hate how I don't feel comfortable flying alone. I hate how I wouldn't be able to stay in a hotel room alone. I hate the fact that I want to travel places but I can't. I hate how I friggin bite my nails and how disgusting it is. I hate how I rant about the stupidest things and expect people to listen.
Anyway, on to other things.
Remiss is down. That sucks.
Tomorrow is the movies with my friends. Noah and I are gonna try to think up a plan for me to sit next to the guy I like without having him find out that I like him. We'll figure something out. Noah's good with this kind of stuff.
Saturday-Sunday I'm going to NYC with my family for my parents late anniversary outage. We're gonna go to the Museum of Natural History and go to the planetarium which I am psyched for. We're starting astronomy in science and I'm so excited. My friends thing I'm wierd though. I hate it when you tell someone what you want to be when you get out of college and they think you're wierd. And then they tell you what they wanna do and they expect you to be all "Omg that's so cool!" Well sorry if you think I'm wierd but that's too bad. Anyway, then we're going to this Brazilian restaurant which is known for its meat. I'm pretty sure I was T-Rex in my past life because I could live off of meat.
LOST last night was awesome. It broke my heart to see Charlie become such a misunderstood outcast. I thought at least someone on that island would stand up for Charlie and tell everyone he's not a bad guy. I mean Jack could have. Jack knew Charlie didn't start the fire to hurt anyone. At the end Claire got the baby baptised. Doesn't that mean that she listened to Charlie and trusted his word? Then why can't she trust him now? I also want Libby and Hurley to get together. That would be sweet.