Mar 24, 2004 10:13
i am at home, whiLe aLL you KIDS are at schooL. Hm...the deNtist fiNished my root caNaL, and for whatever reasoN it hurts reaLLy bad, AFTER the fiNishiNg job, theN it did whiLe he was doiNg it. whatever B. aNyway. michaeL LawreNce Hooper chirped me a LittLe bit ago to say "Whats up" the Last tiMe i taLked to aLexaNdro Cueva was Last night. so, i heard he is reaLLy oN my bumper. i heard he is reaLLy teLLiNg EVERYBODY how serious he is about me. i'm not sure where it'LL eNd. i'm fiNaLLy LettiNg go of the past. i'm FINALLY realizing, that someoNe better has come in the eNd. i've beeN brokeN up with StepheN Jo aLLen RhoNe for...three moNths, in hopes that he was goNNa coMe back, well...DINT happeN. but its coo' aLex is aN amaziNg guy. i couldNt ask for aNyoNe sweeter. i'm stiLL hesitaNt with aLex, and i thiNk he kNows. bLah, i gotta go. check you FOOLS Later...j/k