Sep 13, 2005 16:30
200. My name is: Vanessa
199. I was born on: June 16th, 1989
198. I am a: girl
197. My hair colors are: nrown/blonde hightlights
196. My eye color is: blue
195. My shoe size is: 9-9.5 (i am bigfoot.)
194. My ring size is: ehh.. i think a 7? maybe?
193. My bra size is: what the hell? what kind of question is that?
192. My height is: 5'8ish
191. I am allergic to: nada
190. I live in: florida
189. The last three books i read: All the King's Men, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, House of the Spirits
188. My bed is: comfy...
187. One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex: more often than not, they suck.
186. I am glad I'm my sex because: girls have more fun? haha who knows
184. My Best friends are: i love them know who you are
181. Three things I can never resist are: good movies, being with friends/family, parties?
179. My favorite pajamas are: my old cside soccer shorts and any shirt
177. The last three CDs I bought are: haha i dont buy cds
176. Last song that made me cry was: Graduation - Vitamin C (in 8th grade...when i graduated...get it?)
173. I could not live without: my friends
172. My most treasured possession is: my family?
170. What did you do last night: did bio homework, slept, read all the kings men
169. The funniest quote I know is: ?
168. The quote that sums it all up for me is: ?
167. My skin's reaction to the sun is: burning.......badly.
-I Do/Do Not Believe in-
142. Love at first sight? maybe
141. Luck? yes
140. Fate? maybe
139. God? Yes
138. Aliens? it could happen
137. Heaven? Yes
136. Hell? No
135. Ghosts? yes
134. Horoscopes? no way
133. Soul Mates? Yes
-Which is Better?-
129. Hugs or Kisses: i dont know...i guess it depends
128. Drunk or High:
127. Phone or Online: it i guess
126. Girls with/without Hats: without
125. Blondes or Brunettes: brunettessss
122. Guys with/without facial hair: i dont know
120. Night or Day: Night
119. Oranges or Apples: apples
118. Curly or Straight hair: i dont know? im so indecisive
-Here's What I Think About... -
116. Abortion: mother's decision. to a point...its tough because there are many special cases/circumstances to consider.
115. Backstabbers: ..suck
110. School: its not too bad
109. Americaaaaaa: lovely place to be
107. Love: is interesting...
106. Friends before Love: friends first...always...
-Last time i...-
105. Took a Shower: this morning
104. Talked on the phone: about 5 minutes ago
103. Kissed someone: hahaha well THATS a funny story
102. Hugged someone: school today?
101. Seen someone I haven't seen in a while: idk
100. Drove: an hour ago
95. Grew: i keep growing, and it a giant... p.s. what happened to 99-96??
what the heck.. 94-92?!
91. I always ask: chelsea
90. The ditziest person I know: ditziest? ummmm lauren?
89. The one person who makes me laugh the most is: kwynn/colleen/sabrina/naomi
88. Which celebrity or famous person are you in love with: jude law is so hot
87. One thing I'm pissed about right now is: coldplay concert situation
83. The last movie I saw in the theater was: hmm..skeleton key?
82. The thing I dont understand is: more often than not, chemistry
80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received is: ...uh?
79. The one thing I love about the opposite sex is: theyre hilarious
78. This week I am: happy for the most part
76. This Summer vacation I am: i dont know? summer just ended?
75. Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my friends
73. Tomorrow: will be the most amazing night ever (coldplay)
72. Today: i need to study a lot of freaking history/bio
71. Next Summer: Will be the last summer before college
70. Next Week: will hopefully include more sleep
67. People call me: vanessa/vee
66. The person who I talk to the most on the phone is: idk?
65. The person I had the longest on-going relationship with was: hahaha yeah we wont go there
64. The person I have been friends with the longest: sarah
62. The person who knows the most about me is: chelsea/kwynn/dani
61. The person who can read me the best is: sarah
60. The most difficult thing to do is: succeed in ib without cracking
59. I have/have not gotten a speeding ticket: have not
58. I have the following siblings: erin, 21
57. My favorite people are: oh goes: dani, chelsea l, chelsea c, sarah, kwynn, sabrina, naomi, colleen, brooke, cat, courtney, erin, leah b!
56. My zodiac sign is: gemini
55. The first person I thought/think I was/am in love with was/is: no one yet
52. the person I find myself spilling my guts to is: my best friends
51. Right now I am talking to: no one
48. I have a job at: nowhere
47. I have these pets: peachessss! (my golden retriever)
46. I wish I were: done with junior year
45. The worst sound in the world is: nails on a chalkboard
44. The person that makes me cry the most is: as of now, someone i won't name
43. The best shoulder to cry on is: my sisters
41. I almost died when: i got really sick
39. My boy/girlfriend is: singleeee.
34. My favorite state? ny! because of new york city...and fl
33. My favorite piece of clothing is: my rainbows
32. My favorite sport to play is: soccer
30. The last time I cried was: this afternoon (long story)
29. What am I wearing right now is: skirt/shirt
28. The school I go to is: PHUHS
27. The last person I pissed off was: not sure..most likely my parents
26. My worst drinking experience was: ive never drank
24. The last movie I watched was: conan o'brien...but that was the 10th anniversary dvd
22. The all-time best movie is: so many...the godfather? gladiator?
21. The all-time best thing in the world is: my best friends
19. The most annoying thing ever is/are: a few things
17. I lose all respect for people who: people who have no self-respect
16. The movies I have cried at are: an emotional girl
11. The worst pain I was ever in was: when i broke my ankle...and when i tore my mcl...they both hurt like hell
10. My favorite phrases: too many
9. My room is full of: stuff
8. My favorite celebrity is: no one really
7. My favorite cliche is: ?
6. My downfall is: ?
5. My weakness is: partying...i dont know if thats a weakness but whatever
4. What turns me on is: looks + personality ...pretty rare these days...
3. I want this to end because: its freaking long
2. I filled out 200 questions because: i was bored?
1. Was it fun: not really, but hey its all good.