I've been getting involved in activism recently for several causes that I'm concerned about (human rights, feminism, education, politics, etc), but I'm not going to talk about individual issues today. All I'd like to do is encourage everyone to help me. Find a way to make the world a better place for everyone. Find something to get passionate about. Don't wallow in apathy.
Through one of my websites I've set up a donations page to the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. Please consider adding your support. I'm going to be donating myself once my student loan money comes in. I am a proud homosexual and know too well what it's like to be discriminated against or viewed as wrong or perverted, especially considering that I've lived several years in the deep south. We need all the help we can get.
My page is
here. If you can afford it, give a few dollars to make the world better. If this cause isn't for you, find something you can support. That's all I ask.
Thank you,