Twilight, OR, the Land of Fangirls and Some Haters

May 20, 2008 09:39

After judiciously ignoring all the hype from the HP-world buzzing about how awesome Twilight is, and how well it's written, and how awesome Edward Cullen is, I finally broke down.

As it's a Young Adult fantasy book, I was able to tear through it fairly quickly (read: <6 hours).  Initial reactions were fairly positive (hey, I like vampire books) but then as I considered the unlikeliness of it all and how obnoxious Bella acted, doubts set in.

Just like for other big hits (HP, anyone?), there are the camps of those who OMG!love Twilight, and those who think it is the worst piece of fiction to hit the market since the Babysitters' Club.  I wouldn't go that far, but I can definitely appreciate the critiques of how repetitive and simplistic the writing can get.

Two of the best posts I've seen on the LJ verse on Twilight are
otahyoni's here and
avadriel's here.  They capture some of the most egregious parts of the book, mainly Edward's inexplicable appeal (since when is stone-cold marble attractive?) and Bella's lack of awareness that she is, in fact, attractive.

lj, books, twilight, review, vampires, thoughts, fandom

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