Aug 13, 2008 15:13
Ugh, this place still exists I see. I've been gone for a long time, but I just got the consuming urge to write something- anything really. I was thinking about how I should go about scratching this itch and I remembered this place. Ha. I guess I'm not much of a blogger, eh? Oh well, it's not a vital life skill XP. I actually doubt anyone ever read this, but I guess that was the point when I started this. So, I'm not sorry.
Ah, that's always a good feeling. So, I guess this is where I should be spilling my guts? Hmph, not that likely but I guess I'll try to get something out on 'paper'. Haha, how sad is that I'm a writter yet I've been stuck in a funk for so long? It used to be that was the major thing I prided myself on was my writing; I guess I just wasn't satisfied with my skill and this is where I ended up. Limbo. Fuck, this is deffinatly not where I wanted to be at this point in my life.
I have so many characters scratching at the walls of my skull for an outlet that sometimes I feel that I'm loosing my mind. At least sketching relieves some of this tension but it's not the same, especially when I just can't draw that well at the moment. I just wish this could be a little easier; I can remember when the words just used to fall down on the page so easily. What happened? I guess I just hit that 'bump' in my life and it killed something in me. Hopefully I'm close to awakening that again because I feel kind of lonely without it.
Bah, enough of that! Clear the air, I'm chocking on this shit! Hackcough!! Bah, I hate it when I do that! On to a much more cheerful topic!!
Ever guy that I've ever liked a psycho/crazy person!! Yay! Haha, actually I do find this kind of funny XD. No, seriously every time I think back on a crush I've had, no matter who it is, they're always at least not considered sane. My friends just bassicly assume that if he's crazy I'll probably love him. It makes me worry about my future dating experiences. I guess I won't be able to trust my own judgement when it comes to that, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Hopefully it never comes down to having my friends choose out my boyfriends... I shudder and cringe at the thought.
I'm thinking about starting a story on this site. None of the stories that I'm working on at the moment since I'm having trouble with them, but hopefully something. I think I need some anonymus feedback... Some detailed and critical anonymus feedback. I'm really trying to find some kind of cure for my writters block, and I'm hoping a stunt like this just might be what I need. So, hopefully I'll start posting something here and join a community where I can get feedback =D. I guess that's all I can think of at the moment, so I guess I'll just end this post.
Can't wait to see how things turn out <3.
veereble_atsim journal