Jan 07, 2005 12:12
Game Over, Please Try Again
Back into my parents here I am, It seems like its a "Try again" Another chance. The opportunities come and I just let them go. I always seem to ruin moments. I see many changes my way. I think I'm ready, prepared to take on some change, I feel 2005 will be what 2002,03, and 04 were suppose to be more like.
I am not quite sure how I really feel about the past few years.
Regrets?-There many things I just wish I would have done differently, wouldnt know that then. I have learned! at least I have that. I really have learned from everything Ive seen and been through. There are many things only I will ever understand. There are many things many people just dont see. Some things are just going to have to remain unsaid unheard of. They are just meant that way.
A surface can only show so much. You really cant see whats inside. Cant see the future or its past. Can put too much judgement forth because it will fail.
Thats just how I like to live and thats something I refuse to change. And I wont.
The past is the past...Now I must just keep playing...a different game.
Indeed I will get up! and try again!