May 11, 2006 13:21
rotgutbooze (1:03:15 PM): freedom isn't real
VoiIa Viola (1:03:28 PM): well its real
VoiIa Viola (1:03:33 PM): you just have to be able to afford it
VoiIa Viola (1:03:34 PM): lol
VoiIa Viola (1:03:45 PM): and its really expensive
VoiIa Viola (1:03:52 PM): i mean look at Michael Jackson
VoiIa Viola (1:04:05 PM): he has freedom cos he can afford to molest children and get away with it
rotgutbooze (1:07:40 PM): he has that freedom
rotgutbooze (1:07:55 PM): but he can't live like a normal guy
VoiIa Viola (1:07:57 PM): cos he can afford it
VoiIa Viola (1:08:15 PM): true cos he wrote thriller and people are insane fans
VoiIa Viola (1:08:27 PM): i kinda blame the public and the industry for MJ being a freak
rotgutbooze (1:08:45 PM): the whole familys batty
VoiIa Viola (1:08:58 PM): well cos of the industry
VoiIa Viola (1:09:10 PM): and their father forcing them to be musicians so he can be rich
rotgutbooze (1:09:23 PM): even tito?
VoiIa Viola (1:09:50 PM): Tito? didnt he fall into a blackhole and come out as Vanilla Ice?
VoiIa Viola (1:10:23 PM): i mean thats why Vanilla Ice thought he was black cos he use to be Tito Jackson
VoiIa Viola (1:10:54 PM): thats why Michael started bleaching himself cos he was jealous that Tito turned white
VoiIa Viola (1:11:12 PM): the whole moonwalk thing...was michael trying to open a blackhole up so he can come out white
rotgutbooze (1:11:26 PM): i thought tito had nothing to do with them after the jackson5
VoiIa Viola (1:11:46 PM): he didnt
VoiIa Viola (1:11:52 PM): cos he became Vanilla Ice lol
rotgutbooze (1:12:49 PM): then he went hardcore\
VoiIa Viola (1:13:02 PM): haha yeah
VoiIa Viola (1:13:11 PM): cos he knew hardcore was the shit