Sep 22, 2004 23:17
OK, I normally don't pay a lot of attention to my dreams, but this one was so strange, I just had to write it down. I told Chris the whole thing and thats why I still remember most of it.
I had to do the laundry this morning at 6'o clock (don't ask!), so when I was done at 12 I went back to bed and fell asleep.
I'm in Vienna and in america and the dream is in english. A couple asks me for the way to the shopping mall. I know the couple and I don't know them. I show them the way and because I have to go there too I get into the subway with them. The Subway is pulled by horses and its up in the air. We stop often and it takes quite some time to get were we want to go. We stop for lunch; I know our guide and I don't know him. He is Eddie (Trekleader from our trek)and he isn't (kinda hard to explain) and we have burgers for lunch.
Lunch takes place in a private appartment - I know the owner and I don't know the owner. He blows a wistle and the subway starts falling down. I climb out the window and down the house. I whatch people in long gowns walk around...
I wake up in a library. I know that I'm not allowed to move even though this rule has not been explained to me. I sit on the edge of a bench and I start slipping while more people in robes walk past. I'm not allowed to even twitch a muscle, how do I get back up? I fall.
One of the guards picks me up and I know he's supposed to shock me with his cattle prod, but he doesn't. I know the guard and I don't know him, by the way.
I remain silent (after all, talking would be worse!) while the guard pushes me to a wall and holds me down and bites me on my right upper arm. I don't know why, this is really friendly of him.
He pushes me into a small room with a desk, a chair and some toys where I'm not beeing watched. I don't move, I grab the back of a chair to hold on to and I fight unconciousness. I think the bite changed something. The guard comes back and takes me back to the room with the people in it. I sit down on a chair and even though I'm still not allowed to move, everything gets a lot easier and the guard sits down next to me and explaines some of whats going on.
I know I can wake up, all of a sudden, and I do.
I wake up in my own bed, stiff fron not moving.
Anyone got any Ideas?? I'm puzzled...