We're going to America *Vee singing - I lke to be in America...*
We've been planning to do this for a while now, but today we made it final - our vacation will be a Trek America trip through the pacific North West. We (chris and I, that is) will be in Seattle from aug 17th to 19th, then be on a cool tour for two weeks and after that in San Fransisco for three days.
I'm so excited (and I just can't hide it *Vee singing again...*) about this - I promise to keep a paper journal, though and I will write it in this one afterwards :-)
My passport has arrived, I picked it up already (cute picture!), the flight is booked, the tour is booked - I dunno what else to say. Woohoo!
You can view the trip
here luv
Vee *still singing* - this is going to be a great day!!