(no subject)

Nov 30, 2009 16:18

Like sheep. Like the rest of them.

We started watching True Blood.

The accent is like fingernails on chalkboard and makes me want to hit my head as hard as I can on a wall to make it stop. And it took me a while to tell apart the redneck boys, who all look alike. I can only find affection for Lafayette, who is the sole characters who grabs my attention for more than 4 seconds. Story wise, its mainly corny, parodic and cliché. Predictable.

Well, I’ll keep on watching anyway. We are at season 2 now. The high-point of this series for me so far was Amy’s boobs. I could’ve watched her naked forever. Too bad she’s dead.



I have nothing else to report. Nothing whatsoever.

Sad, huh?

Oh, I am making myself a necklace. A complicated one that needs special tool, metal wire, loop thingies and stuff. And its gonna be like 5 miles long. Cuz I can.


I crave Ramen and Hot Pot with friends.

I promised myself I would soon sit my ass on a leather sofa

In front of the big-ass teevee we promised to ourselves.

I crave Butter chicken and Devdas.

Here is an obligatory line about the snow

Bodies are only incubators. We incubate cancers, virii and foetuses. Then we die

Killing weeks after weeks, stupidly, as I should instead find a way to enjoy each and everyday, whether it involve me working or not. Making the most out of it, each day, everyday, every minute of it.

Before the things I incubate steal my last breath.

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