Enuff is Enuff

Aug 05, 2006 02:25

You can hardly find me in a fix. I have been reasonably unambiguous with respect to matters pertaining to me. But last few days surprised me too. For, I have been feeling very sturdy about few things.

Why ‘being yourself’ is absolute no-no these days?
How come speaking your mind is no more welcomed and acknowledged?
How important is it to be courteous all the time?
Is it REALLY worth having certain people in your life who claim to love you and know you the most?

People whom I love and like have often made mistakes. I agree I am no saint. I made mistakes too. But how often can we allow them to do so? But how long can we tolerate? Can we still love and like someone even if they did something you loathe. I can’t. Is love all about ignoring each other’s mistakes and trying to be goody-goody all the time? Is there ‘Love’ in the first place?

I have hundreds of friends and deep within I know, few of them have been real gems. No matter what they will stick to me. I do not have to rationalize myself to them all the time? I am content with them. One thing I have realized is the closer you come to other person, the more you know the other. The more you know the other person, the more that person becomes almost a part of you. And that’s where the hitch begins, though not in all cases.
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