...In memory of my Dad...

Jul 29, 2005 21:24

So my parents both came from Lapog [now known as San Juan], Ilocos Sur, Philippines and they are part of the Lapoguenians [sp ?] of Southern California, which is basically there townmates from Lapog who meet every other month supposedly and plan events and raise money for the town back home to help renovate it because Lapog is pretty much a farming town, like a club does. Many of the things they have done so far have pretty much stuck within the town center. They raised money to help renovate the church, build tennis courts, and make a computer lab. So Lapog has several barrios within it [which are like certain sections of the town] and the kids in the barrios would have to take long walks in order to go and use the facilities built for them. So I remember a while back my dad and the other parents related to us talking about sending computers to the schools in the barrios, more specifically Guimod, rather than just the town center. He then told my uncle fred, who is a board member of the association, about his idea and he agreed whole heartedly as well. But ever since then i havent heard anything about it really until today. My uncle fred called earlier and said that they were having a meeting tomorrow and that they were planning to raise money for the school in Guimod so that they could install a water system in it because they rather have running water than computers first. And what's even nicer about it is that they are going to dedicate the water system in my dad's memory.

Thinking about it now my dad was always a very giving man even if he had very little to give. I will never forget what my mom said he did when he was at the gas station one time. He only had 3 dollars left and an empty gas tank and while he was getting gas a lady asked him if he had any spare change, but he said he didn't. Then the lady said "God Bless you" to him and he felt bad so he put a dollars worth of gas into his car enough to get back home and gave the 2 dollars change to the lady.

Man, do I miss him so much.

Dad, I hope you know how much we are missing you! Look out for us now! We love you!
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