(no subject)

Dec 02, 2015 20:13

You know how they say time passes faster the older you get? I put on some pants this morning, you know, backup pants, because whoa laundry, and they fit me differently than I expected. And I was like, when did I even buy these pants? It was right before Christmas, so they were way on sale, that year the economy cratered... in... 2009. They are seven year old pants. No wonder they fit me weird.

Where did the time go.

Meanwhile we have achieved the feat of Cat the Elder sitting in my lap in the presence of Cat the Younger. This is a feat because Cat the Elder is usually on her guard, and often hissy, in the presence of her lesser emulators. I could not persuade Cat the Younger to join us, as he is (a)understandably wary of the One What Hisses and (b) a kitten who would rather chase my hair, my hair that is 5" long at the longest, around my face.

Cat the Younger is a fount of endless youthful energy. I am thinking of slipping him my spare Ativan.

I have moved mostly over to Dreamwidth. Please comment there if you can.
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