The T is melting snow on the tracks with a giant hair dryer, yes they are. This after using propane torches on the switches on Tuesday. Life is hard when you're an elderly system systematically under-funded. Apparently nobody wants to hear that, which is why the T director is getting out of town before the new governor can fire her. The new governor is one of the people who engineered the T taking on more projects than it could afford without any additional source of revenue, and of course he's all "We're not going to raise taxes to fund the obviously necessary fixes! What do you talk!"
I mean, if he wants to pay for it out of his own pocket, okay (he's loaded), but I'll pay the fucking taxes to have a better-working system. And I'm not on the line that's having the real problems!
I cannot even complain (much) about the unplowed sidewalks under a T bridge I have to walk past to get to work. It remains unplowed these many weeks, both sides! Probably till spring! But you know what, they are busily using their hair dryer on the Braintree line, so I cut them a little slack.
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