(no subject)

Jun 20, 2012 18:28

We interrupt this first hot day of summer, and the house-cooling hijinks thereof, to ask:

WHY did nobody tell me that Willa Cather wrote Kit Carson fanfic?? It is right there in an early chapter of Death Comes for the Archbishop, a novel you'd think is a murder mystery from its title (but it's not), and so far all it is is a cameo, but as she described his full mouth and his gentle, intelligent, worried face, somewhere in the back of my mind my fannish eyes were rolling. Kindly, and with identificatory glee! But somehow in all the hubbub of the line between his brows, Cather managed to leave out his thinning hair and the silly mustache he was wearing by that time.

(He sat for several photos from middle-age onward, so we do have a very good idea what he looked like. I can totally see Willa Cather scrutinizing those photos, carefully noting the details, and then describing them with the fulmination only a fan can impart to her Bright Shiny Object.)

More on the book when it is not as hot as Santa Fe (Google reports it is 96 there right now, in the mid-afternoon; here it is 6:30 and 97). I have wrestled one AC unit into a window and a fan into another. Curtains occurred just in time, or rather, every room except the kitchen has them and the kitchen really needs something sun-blocking like Roman shades. I have one other AC unit, left behind by the previous owners because it weight one meelion pounds and they clearly could not be arsed, which may replace the fan at some point. But not at the point when I am the only one home.

On the up side, my windows were designed so that an AC unit being installed almost cannot fall out of one to brain the neighbors below! The lip that holds the storm windows and screens is so tall that an AC unit requires a 1.5-2 inch pad just to be able to sit level on the windowsill. Luckily, aforementioned neighbors who could not be arsed left one behind with their gargantua unit, which will do for now.

I have moved mostly over to Dreamwidth. Please comment there if you can.

books, howse

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