Today's Thought

Feb 18, 2006 16:11

His voice was quiet and calm as he went on, "It's changing diapers when the wife's too busy with another child's illness, or listening to the child prattle at the end of a long and tiring day because it's your child's prattle, that makes a father, not getting a girl pregnant. Any fool can do that. It's holding a child who's frightened at night, or tossing one in the air to make her giggle...."
- Quoted from "Shadow of a Dark Queen" by Raymond E. Feist, page 64

Some things that are simple truths, simple wisdoms are so easily forgotton in our harried days. How much joy do you get from that DVD player or that video game? That computer? That car? Or any other physical possession?
And when, oh when was the last time you sat and had some time to play with your children or neices and nephews? Or maybe to volentier some time with kids? How much do we pay our teachers and how much time do we care for those who cared for us or for those who in the future shall?
Less than 5 minutes are spent with family a day.
This is a worldwide problem. Who then will take a stand in the most important ways?
I am a father, and I am proud to be one.
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