Sep 07, 2005 02:52
Ok so yeah... my god this stuff is way too trendy but I went ahead and did it anyway for lack of anything better to do.
The original Varien.
Naughty little boy Varien.
Be young, have fun, taste Varien.
Viva la Varien.
Heal the world with Varien.
The Varien way of life.
Let your Varien flow.
You're in good hands with Varien.
There is no life without Wolverine and Rogue.
Wolverine and Rogue for me!
Oh my gods! It's a Gizmo!
Gizmo is better than chocolate.
You don't want Gizbo as your enemy!
The art of Gizmo.
Gizmo rocks!
Gizmo = cutesy wootsy wittle ittle nickname of mine due to the weird assed noises I make all the time that startingly resemble the sounds Gizmo from Gremlins 1&2 makes.
And "Gizbo" is actually the nick of Gizmo (well for me) when he goes all Rambo in Gremlens 2.
So yes - I am Gizmo, and I am Gizbo! And I rock! *is bored and feels like making things cuz is lonely w/o gf)