(no subject)

Nov 09, 2010 14:10

The AO3 is so completely borked and wrong. I don't even know. The bad data I complained about a year ago are still bad! Obviously the standard entry-style evolved over time (EXACTLY THE WAY YOU SHOULD NEVER DO), but nobody's gone back to fix the older ones. The display design is still aggravating in exactly the same way! Browsing is still functionally impossible! Fuzzy, hand-holdy excessive-tag nonsense infests the database, to great clutterment and dismay!

I scanned 2-3 category pages, and found major, obvious, I-caught-that-without-even-trying errors on all of them. Many errors. Books in the movies category, redundancies that aren't intentional (as opposed to the ones that are, yikes), all the inconsistent entries, just complete garbage all over the place. Oh my total god, people. That's not how you do it. Oh my total god, people, I'm not going to read any of this year's Yuletide stories either, because I won't be able to find the right ones.


But not till January, because they don't want ad-hoc volunteers. I've resisted volunteering this long because half the problems with the database are problems at the structural, developmental, and audiencing levels. I'm not going to volunteer to paint a wall that shouldn't have been built that way in the first place. But oh my god, people, fix it or let me fix it or do something so I don't have to scroll through that horrible mess.

This entry was originally posted at http://vehemently.dreamwidth.org/20432.html. Comment wherever you like.

when i rule the earth

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