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2nd Character; Trance Gemini - UPDATE
Player Details
Name/Nickname: Love
Age: 24
Personal LJ Username:
IM/Instant Messenger(s): Demonia105 (AIM) ; (MSN) ; palin_deathholder (yahoo)
Time Zone: EST (-5.00 GMT)
Other characters in RP: Chii and Lily.
How did you hear about
dystopian_flux ? By being here! Before that, Artwra was playing here and would bring it up alllll the time to me.
Character Application
Character Name [Canonly Written]: Trance Gemini
Series: Gene Rodenberry's Andromeda
Gender: Female
The Item:
Force Lance - Due to going through the gate, most of it's power will be depleted (requiring some sort of recharge.) It'll never really manage to charge past the point of doing the most minor of stun and plasma blasts, with any more energy just going back to the gate again anyway. The ability to extend (2 meters long) and lock on to the owner's DNA for exclusive would still be there. Auto-fire, effectors, stun pulse and plasma grenade abilities are inaccessible, no matter what. Each recharge (which would take 2 days,) would allow 3 blasts, with a 60% success of actually shooting.
Point with which your character has been taken from canon: Early 3rd Season
Personality Gone is the bubbly, ditzy, purple pixie that the people in Veles knew. As the people in Andromeda would learn, it's a lot easier to spot how different this Trance is, compared to how she's still the same. The bubbly and cute might be exchanged for scary and intimidating, due to the drastic change. Dim-witted might be more openly calculating and knowledgeable. Mysterious would be something that's only increased at this point, and it would take later to realize that she's still with that friendly side, and the naive part is present, but essentially invisible and hard to notice. The optimism and change in personality is gone, and now Trance is far more 'stable' in a sense, and realistic on how things could be. Due to having seen many years of things going bad, despite choosing decisions that seemed to be the best, the glass is no longer existent, but now a multitude of shot glasses that half a varied amount of liquid inside them, and some even being empty or full. Still, she's with the same strange logic, that's either not explained so much, or shared after it's been reasoned to a level that others could accept, if shared at all.
The years of going through battle after battle, losing her friends and having to fight with a limited amount of flesh to keep her last friend alive has hardened Trance. There's a cold and calculating exterior, kept up with the belief that it's for the best. In order to make things go right 'this time around,' she'd have to be smarter and change the route as much as possible so that it's not so bad in later years. It's made her ruthless, and even abandoned the preference for keeping everyone alive, having accepted that the luxury of minimum deaths isn't always the best thing. Life still is precious, but it'd be foolish to go too far for those that she didn't know.
After all, friends are still one of the most important things to Trance. She'll still do everything she can to keep them alive, as noted by the extend Beka was kept alive in her 'original' time-line. She'll even stand between an attacker and her friend, to keep them safe; having even chosen to keep Harper safe and letting Harper's friend die because "Harper's a friend, and Houenn's a stranger," making it clear that made him expendable, no matter how important he was to that 'perfect outcome.'
Despite these changes, some things remain the same. She's still the same drinker that doesn't seem to put anything else in her gut. The garden, and taking care of plants, is still one of her favourite pastimes, with hanging out with the other girls on the Andromeda in her room as the other favourite. There's a joy for games, especially with ones of chance, including racing. It's just all the better when around a friend. She's still that same person with a very, very long life that's making the best of her time. While there's less chance for fun, she's still working for that really good future, and her friends. She still values organic life, having refused to return to her family (even when offered,) for her own way of stopping the Abyss. She'll just having to make the best while in this new universe. Who knows, maybe she'll make friends with those the 'last' Trance was. There's always time for a bit of fun, after all.
Powers/Abilities CANON: "Trance, are you dead or alive?" "Yes." The state of Trance's being has been questionable since episode one- no, wait, episode two. Where she had been shot point-blank in the chest and 'killed,' to only be up and about later in the same episode. Which is not the only occasion either. During the show, there was a point when Andromeda had read for life signs, and found none on one occasion. Though it stays like that, she'll be 'alive' yet again a little later. Due to this, in a later transformation (after the point she's taken in to this world, microscopic species, much like parasites had taken over one ship and started to 'infect' some of the crew. When it had gotten in to Trance, instead of going through the entire process of slowly killing the host to take over, it managed to take control completely. At this, when Dylan asked if Trance was dead or alive... Well, you see the quote above. So with this, while it seems that Trance -can- be killed, she'll get better before long. Though disease (unless it's a sentient parasite,) and environments don't seem to do as much. Perhaps it's due to the fact that she's just an avatar, and that can't die unless the actual sun was destroyed as well. Speaking of, due to being an avatar of the sun, she's been shown with the ability to turn in to a model of her sun, the size having ranged from a 1 meter radius, to something large enough to encompass the entire Andromeda Ascendant. In this form, she's able to display what a sun does, on a more immediate and specific level. Not just going mini-nova, but creation and destruction. Having destroyed the existence of the crew, and recreating them in another dimension, though the crew would have only been aware of the change in situation. Less physical, Trance has other aspects that have proved useful. Though one wouldn't call it being able to see the future, she knows the probabilities to certain futures. One example is figuring the odds for a future where everything would turn out 'just fine,' which is 1,671,000:1. Which has not only proved useful for finding people and choosing the right target, or people, for certain situations. It's also helped with games of chance as well, which is probably why she's enjoyed gambling in the first place.
Powers/Abilities AU: The limits from Trance's previous incarnation are still in effect. Meaning that, due to being in a different universe and time, her ability to look at time and determine the outcomes are more inaccurate. (Also still requiring the OK from other person playing, or mods in more plot/world relevant situations.) Knowledge stemming from simply being an avatar of a sun will still be cut off, however due to the age difference (she's spent a significant and unknown length of time fighting, flying, treating and repairing a human friend and replacing irrepairable parts with mechanical to fix,) her knowledge will reflect the experience from that time. While still able to change in to a small model (1.5 meter radius max) of her sun, the ability to create and destroy is essentially gone. The mini-nova is more a ball of fire that looks like a small sun. The closest to destruction would be similar to a high temperature fire, with the actual flames itself contained within the model. So, apart from direct contact, there's only the heat radiating that would be a worry from the distance. Though one probably wouldn't want to be near a car that's completely in flames. This would last for a flash of time, and a few seconds at most, and the cost would be her in a coma state for about a couple hours time. Of course, due to having no vital signs, it'd easily be mistaken for a death state, until she's sitting up again. Skill-wise, Trance has evolved from her positions before. Now with more experience as a medic, arms officer, and gardener, and with an added mechanical experience from helping Harper and having to replace and upgrade sections of Beka's body. Due to being in more battles, there's a warrior's experience for strategy, as well as fighting. She's been seen as a good marksman, fighting hostiles with bladed weapons, and various other weapons or none at all.
History: [Trance's history begins long before Trance as a character is known. Long before she's considered the purple pixie, or monkey, that some have nicknamed her, and we'll have to start some time after there are texts about people worshipping a naked purple girl with a tail. To begin, Trance is the avatar of a sun. It would be later revealed/decided that she is the avatar of the Vedran sun. Tarn Vedra is one planet that could have been considered the staple of the Commonwealth, due to the Vedran race themselves. They were considered wise, strong, and very fast. It was their empire that had discovered stripstream. Many things came about due to Tarn Vedra and it's inhabitants. Then, came the Nietzchean rebellion, and suddenly all slip-routes had been cut off from the planet. In that time, the planet became several planets; Seefra 1 through Seefra 9. The sun had even disappeared, with two artificial suns (Methus-1 and Methus-2) were left to take it's place. It's not official, but due to the system being cut off from the universe, they say that Trance left to explore the universe in this time when her sun 'disappeared.'
Fast forward about 300 years later, with the fall of the Commonwealth and their ships being a rare commodity. Where it's more a life of chaos and money that chooses what's lawful or not. We have Trance taking her place as the newest member of Beka Valentine's crew aboard the Eureka Maru. This happened by 'chance,' after her predecessor Vex Pag had 'bought a farm' after a torn pressure suit and bad emergency seal. Not long after, a 'man' named Gerentex had hired the Eureka Maru to help find and salvage the Andromeda Ascendant. Something considered one of the most valued 'legends' that was trapped on the horizon of a black hole this entire time. It's due to 'luck' and a lot of hard work that the crew pull the ship far enough out that the time flow on the ship returned to normal and it was salvaging time. At least, that's how it was intended, until it turned out that they had an unexpected passenger on the ship, and the Andromeda didn't appreciate Harper trying to take control of her. Quickly, it became a 'game' of scatter, divide and conquer. Trance had one run-in with Dylan, which could be considered her victory, as she quickly dropped down the ladder between decks and lost the Captain. With the crew having regrouped, and starting to change their minds, Gerentex brings in mercenaries to finish up the job. Much to the crew's objection, it should be noted. To push them against the wall, Trance is shot point blank in the chest and left for dead, with the crew forced to do as Gerentex says. However, she didn't stay dead, and Dylan had met up with her. Working together with the crew and Captain, Gerentex and his mercenaries had been dealt with, and Andromeda's control was back where it belonged.
From here, when Dylan proposes his plan to restore the Commonwealth, Trance puts in a word for support. One good reason being that he had found her when everyone left her for dead. With this, and a bit more deliberation, the Eureka Maru's crew joined up with Dylan Hunt. From here, Trance had taken several positions; some of which were carried over from the ones that were on the Maru. One was that of a medical practitioner, having more experience and skill with the equipment available compared to everyone else. The other was to manage the environment and atmosphere, which included her favourite part of the ship. Which was taking care of the garden. Something that she had taken great care, which had been shown later as Beka warned Harper against using Trance's plants in experiments. Pointing out that the current 'victim' was named Walter. The final part was the scanner, navigating everyone's weapons when a battle came apart. While it wasn't a constant job, it certainly seemed to be with how many battles the ship would run in to.
A few months or so after having joined up with the crew, she joins Beka down to a planet to find Beka's uncle. Which proved to be a good point of girl time, most of which had Trance helping herself to the alcohol. Even when Uncle Sid had been found, the credits given were spent on alcohol and a massage- Mostly for her tail. Though the fun times didn't last long, as Sid started pushing Beka for information that her father left behind. When it had gotten to the point that he started forcing Flash (an ocular drug that speeds up the synapses in the brain,) and the guards came for Beka, a fight broke out. In this, though both had taken their effort, it ended when Trance came up behind and used her tail to pull the final guard in to submission. From here, with more of Trance's coordination, the ladies manage to escape and quiet down 'Uncle Sid,' and make their way back to the Andromeda.
Three episodes later, in Harper 2.0, we get a titbit more. Aside from treating to keep Harper's vitals under control, a little information is revealed about Trance. One song, or hymn, that Harper tries to sing to get her attention, or rile her up, brings about a warning for him to not do that again. Due to the information that Harper had, when he finally managed to get some control, he was persuaded to hide all of the information where no one would find it. There was only one part that he distinctly brought up in the episode, after looking at the tattoo of a sun on her shoulder blade. That he saw people dancing around the statue of a naked girl with a tail. Luckily, he didn't remember much, if anything concerning this information after the data was removed and transferred elsewhere. The next episode, where Dylan is imprisoned on charges from three centuries ago, Trance takes it upon herself to sneak off-board the Andromeda and start a rescue mission. Or, as Trance said it, stole Dylan back. Depending a bit on his memory, and far more on Trance's ability to 'make the right guess,' based on probabilities, they manage to break out, settle the situation and return to the Andromeda. Upon being asked to make a report, it read simply as "I looked for you, I found out where you were, I travelled to where you were, and I got you out."
In another episode, Trance and Harper, while aboard the Eureka Maru, are taken hostage by Gerentex. Though he is momentarily surprised by Trance no longer being dead, both she and Harper are hooked up to the same shock device so that they help in finding a valuable treasure. It is in this time that, occasionally, Trance attacks him psychologically about his methods and how it won't help him get what he really wants. Something that may work for a moment, but fail soon after. It isn't until later, after much fighting between Gerentex and Harper, and the danger of all the traps in an asteroid that held the treasure, that Trance really snaps. Pulling out a gun on both of them, and threatening to kill both if they don't start behaving. After pointing out that she can get away with it, because she's the cute one, it's the act of how she'd convince the crew that really gets them to work together. In the end, it's Harper and Trance who keep the treasure, a journal of all the slip stream routes, with Trance giving Gerentex a plant that is considered one of the best for creating oxygen. Something that was also very valuable, and would prove to be a more honest way of getting his goal of a place to spawn and raise a family.
It's aside these times, where there are other points that show the kind of life Trance had on the Andromeda Ascendant. The training with Tyr that could seem ridiculous, but apparently work in her favour. Picking and playing with Harper, down to taking bets. The Girl-Time with Rommie and Beka over on the Maru when they want a moment to themselves. Going down planet-side for the casinos or joining in festivities to learn the cultures of planets. All the while enjoying some kind of alcohol, at that. It's after Harper had tripped a hidden personality of Andromeda's, meant for a past secret mission, that things started to spiral out of control somewhat. Being trapped and forced to navigate the slipstream, which has proven to be one of the worst things Trance could do, it's up to her to try to get through to the AI while Magog overrun the rest of the ship. Which had gotten to the point that a portion of the crew was injured, or broken in Rommie's case, and Tyr and Harper had been abducted. It isn't until after the personality is restored to normal that they were even able to rescue the two and cripple the world ship, before finally beginning repairs on the Andromeda. Unfortunately, this left Harper with a 'nest' of Magog eggs (and later larvae) and Rev Bem struggling with his magog nature that was recently embrace to save his friends, and his devotion to The Way.
Of course, this encounter with the World Ship had only proved as additional motivation in getting the Commonwealth restored again. What was needed to officially start the government back up was the signatures of 50 separately-governed planets. Which led to the search of enough world leaders that would agree to the cause, trying to stay ahead of the World Ship in it's repairs, and keep the crew together in one piece. Not that it was the easiest road, as they had attracted the attention of the Magog's leader, and god, the Spirit of the Abyss, along with his agents. Ones that continued to do their best to stop the Commonwealth from being created, and destroy everyone on, and including, the Andromeda. There were even points when the Agents appealed to Harper's desire to get rid of the magog larvae in his gut for him to do what they wanted. Of course, that was turned over, giving the crew a chance to learn and understand more about the Abyss, at the cost of more than half of the larvae remaining in Harper's stomach.
A few episodes later, with the help of a friend, Harper builds a Teseract Machine to remove the larvae that are close to killing him. However, this causes a disturbance in time, causing 'ripples' that make the ship unstable. Every doorway, stairwell, and part where the corridors cross had the risk of going in to a different point of time and/or space. Leading Beka to meet a future version of herself, which was almost as much machine as it was human, and a future version of Trance showing up in time to save the original Beka. Both Trances cross paths, revealing that the 'new' Trance was from a future where things went 'very wrong,' and what the original Trance had done wasn't enough. (Another scene, to keep Beka from doing something incredibly stupid, had Trance hitting Beka with the truth of what happened. That eventually everyone died save for them, with Trance treating Beka so many times over the undetermined amount of years, that she had to replace parts with machines, and even fix and replace those.) Exchanging goodbyes, and saying that she wasn't really leaving but changing, the purple Trance ran through one of the ripples. Now there was the older Trance, who was more direct, more prone to action when she was around, and open to Dylan with what she could do, and later, what she was. The following episodes, including one that was when the Andromeda crew were hosting an event that would decide the Triumvant for the Commonwealth, show Trance trying to make different decisions and telling Dylan what went wrong so that they don't end up with the same future that she came from.
It's when the Commonwealth is officially established and stable that this older Trance shows up through the Gate. She wouldn't be so naive against the guards, but due to already having a good idea of what's going to happen, could accept being in Veles without causing too much of an incident. How people react to the bubbly purple pixie now being this? Well...