Oct 02, 2006 10:12
This list reflects the opinions of my Husband and myself. It no way represents Heathenry or Celtic Reconstructionist groups, Men, Women, Liberals of any stripes, Entrapanuers, Computer nerds, Geeks, Artists, Musicians, Webcomic lovers, Gamers, or any other alternative lifestlye. Unless you like it!We will tell you what we like, and don't like. If it is useful to you, then we have done our job.
The science fiction comedy is set 3 million years in the future on a mining ship that hold in it’s decrepit walls the last existing human. A loveable, slob named Lister had multiple comic adventures with the usual sci-fi themes (often making fun of them) along with his 4 companions.Rimmer, Lister’s incompetent, whiny, OCD and annoyingly self-centered roommate. Who is dead and is now ‘living’ in holographic form. This character, of course, is the main source of hilarity.‘The Cat’, a hyper evolved, metrosexual, feline, who resembles James Brown on speed. Charmingly shallow, he’s always good for a quick one liner. This character is not used to his full potential, which is a shame, because he is really funny!Kryton, a ‘Mechanoid’ (aka. Robot) who’s a neurotic mirror of ‘Data’ from StarTrek TNG, who is played with a Laurel and Hardy type comedic execution. His bumbling ways and child-like innocents don’t make his sometimes overuse as a plot device, tiresome.
As the series neared it's final days, we lost our beloved Rimmer and was given Kochanski, Lister's ex-girlfriend from another dimension. She took some time to get used to, but was an enjoyable character. She didn't last very long though as Rimmer was brought back for the final season.
A great show! Now if they can just get that movie deal...
Red Dwarf Series
If you like Douglass Adams you will LOVE Red Dwarf!
red dwarf,
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