Dec 10, 2006 09:56
Last night I dreamed that I was in college again, at ISU. I don't remember the first part of the dream, but the second started with the Dorm I was living in falling. The dorm was Waterson Towers, but then it wasn't.
The Dorm was just a bunch of rooms stacked one on top of the other. My Dorm was near the top. When the tower fell I was not in it, but I watched it fall. It seemed to 'skip' in the middle of falling, and it fell flat on it's side, like it was made like that. Many things were disturbed by falling, but in the time it took me to reach the doors, everything was being picked up.
Sense the tower seemed to be in fairly working condition, I ran up the hallway that was created between the rooms to my dorm. I was trying to save everything sacred and important in my dorm, and in the dorms around me. I found a sack and started stuffing crystal trinkets into it. I also stuffed my horn and several boxes of beads that I could find.
Once I had gathered everything I thought was important in my dorm room, I moved on to the next one. It had a shelf that was holding pewter statues of castles and more crystal figurines. I grabbed them and threw them in my bag as well.
The next room was full of 'New Age' books and tarot cards. I had to weigh the pros and cons of grabbing these up, even when they said 'Norse Rituals' and 'Teutonic Tarot'. They just seemed so...well, unimportant. I grabbed a few books, but left most of them. By this time, the room I had been in had turned into a bookstore/giftshop and I left.
When I walked out of the door, I woke up.
This dream comes at a time when my life has 'fallen apart' and yet has been a great learning experience. Once I realized that I had to let it fall apart and salvage those pieces that were important I felt much better. Things are starting to look better than they have in the past 5 years. I can only hope that things continue in a positive way. Just like my dorm room went from crumbling ruin to successful bookstore/giftshop so will my life go from crazy to successful.
Because it MUST. Because it WILL.
Hail the Gods.
dream journal