Oct 08, 2008 10:24
A few years ago, when I first started editing Oak Leaves I started a comic to help fill space. It quickly died as once Oak Leaves started coming out on a regular basis people started submitting again. So we didn't need it.
I wanted to keep it going outside of OL but my husband, who was writing it at the time, refused to write anymore because I changed the way the characters looked. I tried to write it myself, but realized my writing ability is for prose and poems only.
He has sense mellowed out and we are considering a refurbish and restart as a webcomic. You can see the main character in my icon.
So in prepration I have been drawing a bunch of filler sketches. I might post them here if my Lovely Husband doesn't get off his ass and write a few scripts so I can get started drawing them. I suppose I could write them myself, but I would rather just stick to the drawing as his writing style is so much nicer than mine*.
Basicly, there are four main characters and a bunch of side characters. Here is what we have so far.
Landwight Leif - Main character, a spirit of the land, lives in a Dolmon and is very mischevious.
Heidi - His girlfriend/caretaker, She is also a landwight, lives in a stone circle with Disa.
Disa - The spirit of the local family. (Disir) She is an older matronly figure.
Olaf - Moundalf. Lives in a burial mound. An 'Honorable Redneck' He likes beer and hanging out with Leif. Has a crush on Disa.
Secondary Characters:
Crimson Erik - Leif's cousin,
Ted the Tomte - Housewight of the only house in the area.
Thorgerd - A trollwife who makes trouble for Leif,
Thornbush - Thorgerd's minion.
What we are hoping to achieve with this is a kind of moral story focused on the morals of Asatru, more than just the Nine Noble Virtues, but actually give situations and how best to respond to them. Of course, not every situation is responded to well, other wise it would be a pretty boring story, but I am hoping it helps to show both kids and adults more about Asatru's ethics and morals.
Though with my husband writing it, who knows.
* If you would like to write for me, please let me know as we have been discussing this for over a month with no script from him and it's starting to really irritate me. I would like to do this while I still have enthusiasm for it. *L*
heathen artwork,