Apr 18, 2009 13:22
I haven't been doing bikram yoga as often as I thought I would w/o the challenge. It's been a week since I've practiced but mostly because I'm not a morning person and I am enjoying my walks in the evenings. I work seven days a week now, weekends are both trade work so I don't get paid, but my point is I feel like I have so little time for myself. Yoga isn't just going to a ninety minute yoga class, it's everything that comes with it: the laundry afterwards, the commute to and fro and after a ten hr day, who wants to have to do something? The commitment to self should be enough, but at the end of my day, such is apparently not the case. I miss that discipline, but am glad to know I can if I do want.
This week my goal is to take at least three classes.