I'm trying to think back about what's been going on recently, but I was drawing a blank. Whenever that happens, I take a look at whatever screenshots I may have taken since my last LJ post to job my memory. There wasn't much there this time, but I did remember that I'd been using some time in Abyssea recently to try and get some of the useful Abyssites.
A couple weeks ago, Evangel wanted to kill Limules & Clionids in Abyssea-Tahrongi for the key item they drop that provides an extra stone. We were operating on the assumption that the person who aggroed would get the Abyssite key item, should it drop. We killed the first one, that I aggroed ... then Evangel aggroed one and this happened:
I guess I got it because of the killshot or perhaps it's just random, who knows. I thought that maybe it was some other abyssite that dropped, but it was the one we were hunting for. It was sort of funny, but oh well. We still need to go back and get Evangel one. The mobs are pretty easy to find with Wide Scan.
Later on last week, I went with Wodie, Evangel, and Rizelmine to kill Tonberry for the Abyssite key item that decreases the regeneration time of your Traverser Stones at the NPC. Me and Wodie both needed ... he got his pretty quickly, and I got mine right at the end.
People are just now discovering that another Abyssite that extends the time of each stone by 3 minutes dropped from Ovni, the Abyssea UFO mob. If I can snag that one, I'll have all(?) of the time benefiting key items. 108 minutes for 3 stones would be hot.
Abyssea NMs:
We took our first foray into Abyssea as a LS hunting NMs last week. At the suggestion of Wolfshadow, we were planning to try and get all the key items needed to pop Kukulkan. Amazingly, we were successful! A couple of the NMs were sort of bitchy, but for our first try we did pretty well. I think we're going to be trying to pop Kukulkan and get Lunar Abyssite for members of the LS this week. After that, I'm not sure what exactly we'll do, but there's so many different options we can try, we'll need to come up with something new.
Magian Trials:
I'm mainly focused on completing my +6 DEX, +12 acc Kila at the moment... and I'm finally on the last trial needed to finish it. I've got 210 more Golems left to kill on Lightningday and I'll be done! I got my first group on Golems last night and it was 4 of us and we killed 40 in an hour. If I have to solo, I'm sure I'm only going to be able to kill 15-20 an hour tops, so I'm looking at quite the long road to finish unless I happen upon people that I can team up with.
My other active Magian Trial is for adding another +1 DMG to my Magnatus. I'd not made any progress on it in awhile, but I got the LS to come kill some Rams hoping to upgrade my Abyssite last week. We killed 3 before the Abyssite finally converted, so I'm 3/8 toward finishing. I'm still hoping for some low man kills, but considering the Ram was pretty easy with an alliance, I may be able to get some more kills that way since a few folks in LS want to try Dawon again. Dawon, btw, is like Byakko on steroids. We popped it once last week and it pwned the crap out of our unprepared asses.
I'm trying to determine what are the next trials I need to undertake. I have DRK, NIN, RNG, and WAR still that don't have any Magian weapons. For DRK, I've got a Plaga Scythe, which isn't nearly as good as the best Magian weapon... although I rarely play DRK. For NIN, I've still got Senju/Perdu. For RNG, I've got a Siege Bow ... I doubt I need a Magian upgrade for that job. And for WAR, I'm still rockin' the Perdu Scythe with hopes for a Vermeil Bhuj someday.
I may just continue working on weapons for my THF and COR. There are other daggers I could get, a STR one and one with an added effect to lower the opponents defense. Both would be nice to pair with the Kila I'm working on, but I hope to get an Auric Dagger and not need another Dagger. For COR, I could use the MAB Gun ... but I'm worried about what enhancements to the Magian process are forthcoming.
Other Stuff:
The LS is chugging along and we've done our normal rotation of events lately. I'm personally looking forward to getting back out to Sea soon so we can start hoarding some popsets for possible AV attempts.
ZNM interest has been really low lately, but we killed 5 Tinnins last week. No amazing drops of note... we still have two Sarameya popsets raring to go.
We TP burned two Kirins a little over a week ago, they died very quickly with minimal use of 2 hours. It was pretty cool... sadly, all we got from them were 3x D.Body and an Osode. I think Sky is pretty much done as an event, but we may go up every once in awhile to kill pops that people may have collect or to do a quick farming run to keep getting chances at Kirin. No matter what happens, seems people always need/want W.Legs.
Einherjar & Dynamis are chugging along. It's nice that they are much easier now, it offsets the lower numbers we've been getting for a lot of events lately. Sometimes the turnout is scary low, but then we end up winning or whatever anyway and it turns out to be no problem. I can only imagine how much things will be on 'easy mode' after the next update.