Dear JPs of Cerberus; Odin #16; I got Head and it was good

May 03, 2010 14:14

Dateline: Sunday, April 25th - Cerberus Server.  San d'Oria has control of Beaucedine Glacier [S] and with all the reports of Fiat Lux (Shadow Lord Campaign Op BC) being opened up on other servers, I was certain that this week our server would make the necessary advances toward opening up Fiat Lux.

Dateline: Sunday, May 2nd - Cerberus Server.  WTF!  Sandy has lost control of Beaucedine Glacier [S] and worse than that, I was on about a couple of hours before conquest tally and it wasn't even close.  I thought maybe our friendly neighborhood JPs would be hard at work gaining influence in Xarcabard [S] and maintaining it in the Glacier, but no.  In fact, out of all the Beastman Strongholds the only one with even a sliver of nation influence was La Value [S], but it was no where close to opening up Splitting Heirs.

So my plea to the JPs of Cerberus is to get to work on opening up Fiat Lux for the rest of the server!  We all know that Cerb-ades is the home of lazy NAs, botting out of 'necessity' or more likely because it's easy ... and they'll never put in the requisite effort to help open up the Campaign Op.  So please, JPs of Cerberus, I implore you to get hard at work on getting control of those Northlands areas so that I can enjoy some sweet delicious Fiat Lux action.  I'll buy each and every one of you a Hello Kitty pencil if you succeed!

Odin #16:
It was Odin time again and for the first time ever I felt the panic of possibly not winning.  Things were going fine for the first 1/3rd of the fight, but some DDs started getting killed and we only had 8 total damage dealers in all... so our DoT slowed and I was tracking how much damage we needed to do in the remaining time to win and I was getting worried.  Luckily, everyone pulled it together and we got the win with somewhere between 60-90 seconds remaining.  It wouldn't have been as close if we had full attendance, but some people couldn't make it and we also had a couple of last minute no shows, thank goodness we won though.

We got our 2nd straight double body drop, but as you can see it was Hadean.  :/  The good news is that 4/5 of the items were wishlisted, so even though the bodies weren't premium drops, we were able to get some things people wanted.  Congrats to Shemc/Lecroucond on the H.Body, Deuteu on the H.Hands, Diabloiii on the Fork, and to meeeeeeee on the N.Head!

Weekend of Head:
As just mentioned above, I won a Hecatomb Cap from Odin on Sunday... but previously on Friday, I was also shocked to obtain a Hikazu Kabuto from SSR, thus completing my Usukane Somen!  Here's a screenshot of the delicious head I got this weekend:

I'm too lazy to take screenshots of the items on my character, but unless you've never played FFXI before you should know what they look like.

Nevertheless, Salvage was actually good to us last week, netting Morrigan Feet 35s from ZR on Monday, and Ares's Legs 35 from SSR on Friday as well... I think it was our first double drop SSR.  In addition, the boss dropped Usukane Feet 25s for Evangel and Deuteu tagged along and got the Morrigan's Cuffs 25s from the boss also... he'd got the 35s before from another group, so the plan is to get those 2 together and get some 15s in ZR this week so they can complete the items.

Other Stuff:
Outside of events, my primary concern lately has been Campaign.  I've still pledged my allegiance to San d'Oria, and now I'm trying to rank up to the top medal and maintain it so that I can hopefully be ready for Fiat Lux if it ever opens up on the server.

This past Friday night, I got my Moonlight Medal back, followed up by getting level 73 WAR on Sunday.  The 2nd half of that level was mostly all Campaign which was all right because I like Campaign more when I'm leveling a job as opposed to meriting or getting XP buffer.

The best thing about getting my WAR to level 73 was all the new items I was able to equip ... Hecatomb Cap/Hands/Legs, Adaman Hauberk, and I bought a Perdu Voulge with Imperial Standing.  I had about 90k IS, but purchasing the GAX and the 10 Imp. Gold Pieces for my Somen put a big dent into that.  30k+ leftover should suit me fine, because I don't have anymore IS items to purchase ... but if I start completing some Salvage pieces I'm going to run low pretty quickly.  :P

Another point of minor emphasis has been ASA add-on missions.  I'm about halfway through now and trying to round up the static we've arranged for this so we can knock out the rest of the missions soon and get our rewards.  I'm still not sure about which pants augments I want, but I'm sure they'll be something.

salvage, xp, einherjar, campaign ops

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