Last night was our 14th overall Odin, but our first true 2 week Odin, I think. We've beaten all 3 Wings in a row between Odins before, I think each time we had to do a repeat in order to get more people access to Odin's Chamber. Well this time, we did an Odin on Feb 24th, won 3 straight Wings, then did another Odin last night. Sexy!
As you can see, drops were not spectacular, but 3/4ths of them were wishlisted by people that were present for the event, so while we can complain about the lack of E.Body/A.Body/Etc; anytime we get a big chunk of drops that are wanted I'm happy.
The fight itself was pretty smooth, as usual. It seemed like our DDs were seeping up too much MP this time, because we had to pull them off a few times to allow the mages to rest, but the 10 min warning rolled around right as we were planning for the 10% death move, so we did the fight pretty quickly nevertheless.
This Odin was parsed too, which I've never seen the results of before, so that was pretty cool. What I took from it is that SAMs tear Odin up. I was the top ranking of our 3 RNGs, but came in 5th overall. What it showed me is what I suspected, that RNGs are not the top DDs for Odin ... yet their value comes into play due to not taking much damage at all provided they ride the hate line well.
Other Stuff:
Salvage got canceled on Monday due to not enough folks being on, so I luckily picked up a XP party invite for my WAR. The end result was level 70 and about 15 levels of GAX skill, hurrah! I had to re-buy Hermes' Sandals, but I picked them up for 100k cheaper than I sold the last pair I had, so that was cool. 3 more levels until I try putting together a merit party and make the final push for 75. Who knows, at this rate it could happen before the end of the month!