Nov 06, 2010 20:31
So, I've actually got a job! It's only a temporary one for however long it takes to get everything done but I don't mind as it means I have paid work for a while. It's working in an office which means basically sat on my arse all day on the computer. Awesome. Although something that is not awesome is the travelling time. It takes about 2 hours to get there, so it is a very joyful 4 hours on buses everyday. I so cannot wait to drive. That's one of the things I'll be doing when I get paid, getting bloody driving lessons so I don't have to take the bus everywhere. But all in all the job is alright and at the very least it'll be something else to put on my cv.
I have a confession to make and I am ashamed about it. I'm addicted to the X Factor. I know, I know it's terrible, but it's really good this year! This is actually the first time that I've watched it from the beginning and I have to say I absolutely adore Aiden. He's so cute and I really love his voice. I also love Matt (seriously is there anything that boy can't sing?) and Rebecca is fantastic too. I'm going to make my pic now that I want Aiden to win but I wouldn't be upset if Matt or Rebecca win, but I DO NOT want Cher or Katie to win. I can't stand either of them. I'm actually watching the X Factor now and unfortunately Cher is on first. Joy. Also she's singing empire state of mind and I detest that song, I really don't like her voice either. She is no where near as good a singer as the rest of them. I will actually admit that I have downloaded some of the songs from this year, two each of Aiden's Matt's and Rebecca's. I also feel kinda pervy for thinking Aiden is hot due to the fact that he's 8 years younger than me. Dear god that makes me feel old and like I said, pervy. He has got an amazing voice though, I love how distinctive it is and I think his intensity is brilliant. He's just so adorable though!!
I suppose my biggest news that I have is that I'm gonna be an auntie!!! I so cannot believe that. Come next May I'm gonna have a little niece or nephew!! Some small person that I can corrupt into being a little geek. I was really amazed when I found out because my sister in law said she never wanted kids and now, lo and behold, she's 14 weeks pregnant! She's actually due on May 8th but because of my geekiness I'm hoping for May 4th!!
Also something else that is awesome, I'm going to see Take That next year!! It's very strange when you go and see a band you've loved for a long time. I grew up listening to Metallica and Take That (strange mix I know) and I got to see Metallica last year which just about made my life and now I'm gonna see my other favourite band. In a very strange way it makes me feel like I've accomplished something! I have no idea exactly why I feel like that but there you go!
Wow, Katie is absolutely slaughtering Don't Speak. Jesus that is bad. The music just did not go with it all and her voice just wasn't strong enough. But lovely Aiden is next!!
I think another thing I'm gonna do with my money from my job is get a tattoo, or maybe two of them. I've been waiting to get my Metallica one for a while but I'm also toying with the idea of getting a dark mark done on my left arm. Hmmm. Decisions decisions.
Mmmm Aiden. Holy fuckin shit, he's doing nothing compares to you. Holy fuck. That was gorgeous, like scarily gorgeous. Like I need to download that now. Damn. Why does he manage to sing songs I love. Sigh.
Anyway, I am off to watch the rest of X factor now. Wagner has yet to appear and I'm slightly scared to watch him, he terrifies and embarrasses me in equal measures. Scary dude.