Cleaning and organizing...

Jul 04, 2009 20:50

Maybe it's the open houses with the staged homes I've been through, maybe it's watching 'House Hunters' and shaking my head at the room people think they need, or maybe it's just procrastination and stress relief, but I'm spending the long weekend cleaning and organizing.

It may have started when I grabbed a few things out of my closet to take to the thrift store to add to my con fund, but it's kind of snowballed.  I actually put the wooden hangers I got as birthday gift last fall to use and my closet looks a lot better.  I'm not quite back to the days where my hangers were color coded, but there are a few less items hanging up since I've lost some weight and a few skirts and such don't fit (and there are a few more that will get consigned/donated when I lose a few more pounds).

I've been meaning to do this for awhile, there are packrat genes on both sides of my family - I found my airline ticket stub and hotel receipt from the Bedford con.  I found a box of my research and papers from my masters thesis that I should go through.  I'm tempted to hit IKEA and the Container Store for some organizers, although I have one of George Carlin's monologues about boxes for your boxes running through my head.  I also should probably go through my books and CDs/

I do have a few Stargate and Scifi magazines I need to sort through and may sell some, for anyone interested.


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