Why now??!!!

Nov 12, 2008 22:01

Met with my advisor today and I was actually feeling kind of hopeful. We were going over my presentation for comps and I knew there were still some areas that needed fleshing out, but didn't think they were that big a deal. After an hour and a half, J looks at me and asks how set am I on having my comps next week? WTF. Apparently he doesn't think I'm doing enough and wants to expand the research. He's only known what I'm doing since July when he saw the preliminary draft of my proposal. I'm seriously, seriously pissed. To do this now is just poor.

At least we're meeting tomorrow to go over some additional ideas - I've at least got one that I mention in my proposal. I am planning on taking comps next week (my committee has read my proposal and I will re-present it) and I'm going to lowball - if they're not happy with what I plan to do, then I'll ask them for suggestions.

So tonight I got some Chinese takeout, cracked open a Guiness and did some research. On the bright side of things I got my tickets for the Burbank con today.

grad school

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