(no subject)

Nov 20, 2007 12:25

i was listening to cbc radio this morning, eating my breakfast. i listen to shelagh rogers' program
every day, or almost every day. but this morning, i was really shocked to find out that the last
half hour was given to a new segment, called Canada Writes, hosted by jian ghomeshi.

what the hell is going on with the cbc? is this man not already on the radio day and night
and now is given even more time in the mornings? this really pisses me off  in a big way.

i hope that the bigwigs in cbc hurry up and promote jihan gomeshi to television. i think that is
what he wants, anyway. i don't have a television, so it will not bother me in the least. he has
a television style and he speaks like a goddamn game show host, anyway, so why not give him
what he wants? promote him to television and get him off the radio.

i learned how to think and organize my worldview by listening to cbc radio. day and night,
all around the clock. so many good people who have been dedicated to the true aesthetics
of the radio medium. but this guy has no respect for the people who preceded him. i doubt
that he could even name three or four of the great radio people of the past. he is just hell
bent on becoming a star. so go ahead, make him a television star and get him out of radio.

his presence on the radio when he is interviewing people is to asskiss and agree with everyone,
no matter what their contribution might be  ---  he typifies the new expression "it's all good".
as long as you can get on his show, he will try to make it look like he is intimate buddies with
you and has no limits or standards. he keeps on proving his likeability no matter what.

i am so angry that i have to turn the radio off again when i hear his voice. i do not listen to
afternoon or evening radio because i cannot stand his voice, his delivery, his total disregard
for the medium. and now, today, i have to turn the radio off again!!! why the hell give him this
morning spot? this is so disgusting.

i might just email this little rant to the cbc, you know? i have never complained up front in
an email, but i might just do that. i have smoke pouring out of my ears at this moment in time.
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