Dec 05, 2008 13:38
I figured I may as well post a bit of an update on what is going on. First off, yes Geo is still trying to find work, however holy hell it is like living with a different person. He has been great since being off work. Now don't get me wrong, he is still Geo, we have had an argument since he's been off, but it is like the tension just drained out of him the moment he didn't have to go to that place every day. I have the man I fell in love with back. We are talking again, the sex is great but I don't feel like I 'have to put out' because he doesn't pressure me. He is happy and it shows in all the little ways. SO as long as we are still alright financially, I'm not going to push him to go back to work right away, I figure he'll get bored soon enough and be ready to go back to work.
Update on the woman problem..... I did some heavy research on the procedure that my OB/GYN wanted me to get, the scraping thing... ah NO. I didn't find much positive response to it at all, and that I did find even said it was a temporary at best fix. I can't have that. We don't have insurance as of the 1st and I need this taken care of before then. SO, I have an appointment with another doctor on the 12th that can HOPEFULLY get me in to have a newer version of a hysterectomy by the end of the year. This version of the surgery will only keep me out for two weeks, I think we can handle that. It may make Christmas interesting, but I want this taken care of, I can't take another year of bleeding out each and every month.
The empty nest thing is something I'm still dealing with, *shrug*. I think I'll always deal with it. My fault for having such amazing kids. *grin*
Work is.... interesting right now. I can't go into details because it is against my code of conduct, but I must say, a bad management employee can KILL a business if left to do what they will.
I guess that is it for now. I miss some of my friends. That is the only really bad thing about Geo being unemployed is that he is ALWAYS around. I miss sometimes having days in a row where I would see him as he was running out the door then not until it was bed time. It made for a lot of nights off for RP and such. *G* I'm learning to tell him that I AM going to RP on certain nights, he seems accepting, for now. *G*