Tweets for Today

Jan 20, 2009 00:47

  • 01:35 @ eaners "Look Around You" is face-hurtingly hilarious. #
  • 01:41 @ eaners Tonight they started showing it on Adult Swim (1:00 AM EST). I saw the first two episodes and now my face hurts. #
  • 20:38 @ sleeptech81 I don't know about "mortified," but I would definitely have corrected her and said "No, mom. We don't say that." #
  • 20:58 Would you believe there is no place in this town to buy foam rubber by the foot? And I need to make a custom camera bag. #
  • 21:13 @ auntiesocial I fear I'm going to have to go to a fabric store & I'm worried my bag might be too big, even though I've got cables & stuff. #
  • 21:15 @ feralparakeet There's a distinct lack of those in my dinky town. They are, however, next on my list once the snow lets up. #
  • 22:40 @ feralparakeet It's only an inch, if that. Not much to be jealous of. (That's what she said.) #
  • 00:16 @ eaners It's a messenger bag padded to protect the camera, so it doesn't shout "I'M A CAMERA BAG" to every passing thief. #
  • 00:16 @ tarajackson They're in Winston, Hickory, or Charlotte. I was just kicking around town today. #
  • 00:18 @ feralparakeet That's just a shame. Everyone deserves a little winter magic but not so much that the novelty wears off & you have to shovel. #
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