Tweets for Today

Jan 01, 2009 00:38

  • 13:01 Surprise! Doctor's appointment! Then, Rock Band will be here, maybe? #
  • 19:26 This all-natural ginger ale tastes like lukewarm underwear even when cold. And it's also not helping my migraine like someone said it might. #
  • 00:08 @ sleeptech81 Migraine canceled my plans, too, pal. #
  • 00:09 And so goes 2008, both long and short at the same time. May 2009 begin with an end to this migraine. #
  • 00:15 @ sleeptech81 I tried to punish mine with hippie ginger ale. Instead, I punished my taste buds. Migraine is unaffected. #
  • 00:16 @ auntiesocial He had a stroke, but still wanted one last party. I kinda admire him for it, proving he's not immortal and all. #
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