My Procrastination is Severely Impared

Dec 09, 2008 22:33

I haven't felt well the past few days at all, despite the fact that I've been taking ginger supplements and have started drinking tea sweetened with ginger and honey. Apparently, it's a well-known home remedy for migraines, so I'm giving it a shot.

In my rare moments of lucidity and coherence, I've been trying to replay the first episode of the Penny Arcade games: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness. You have to admit, that's a great title. So, I finished the first episode months ago, but in the interim I've had to wipe and reinstall everything on my laptop, thanks to a corruption somewhere in IE 7; don't ask. I decided to reinstall the thing and play it again, because it was a lot of fun, but there's some kind of major sabot in my machinery. I can play OK, most of the time, but almost every single cut-scene (and there are many) causes the game to crash, as do random fights and playing any of the games on the boardwalk. So, I'm at an impasse until the technical support people get back to me.
They e-mailed me earlier today to say they were working on it and to try updating my video drivers. Except since this is a laptop, there are significantly fewer driver releases for my video card, and I'm still up-to-date. And since the boardwalk games give tokens, which are integral to advancing in the games, I'm pretty much stuck. Fortunately, I also have the second episode, which I've already beaten once. So, I'm going to try cranking up the difficulty and playing that one again, maybe try and find some more of the cool stuff I missed the first time through somehow.
I still haven't finished Fallout 3, but since it's a first-person game, I can't play it nearly as long when I don't feel well before I have to go lie back down.

I've got a great idea for a Christmas present for my parents, which requires research, but since my mom has been home a lot the past two days and I haven't felt particularly well, I'm going to need to step it up. I don't want to just glom onto someone else's present this year, and I finally have a good idea.

headache, nerdishness, nonsense, post-whoring

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