♪ the sign

Jun 27, 2010 15:46

The Sign

Some time ago, Kaito put up a sign on the side of thebus, in order to explain things to new arrivals. It's probably been replaced a few times by now, but the content remains the same:

YES you are in a bizarre new place
NO you are not dreaming
YES we realise you are probably scared
NO we are not making fun of you
YES there are other versions of yourself running around
NO they do not necessarily share your memories or
personalities as a whole
YES it is a very long story
NO you probably wouldn't understand just from us telling you anyway
YES some of us are bonafide robots
NO please do not disassemble as it hurts and then we have to
reload from save and it's a hassle
YES you should probably find a place to stay until the
culture shock wears off
NO our bus is already full to packed, what the hell, go away
YES we are a-okay with UTAU
NO you should really not pay attention to the generic Rins, they
hate everyone
YES that is a sensei and a loli please don't ask
NO please do not poke the Zatsune. Much.

The Setting
The Dressing Room - no-one really remembers why it's called that, only that it is - isn't actually a room, nor a dress. Instead it's a sprawling suburban city on the coast, ringed by forests and mountains and any other manner of inconvenient bits of scenic landscape that you can think of. The city itself is contemporary, bustling with singing robots and their ilk and any number of identical Monar NPCS... and kind of divided in style. After all, on the one hand there's lively shops and parks full of bustling townsfolk, on the other there's a couple of blocks of blasted minefield around a tattered and beleaguered army camp, shiny scientific labs offset an entire abandoned chunk of the city, and to this day there’s a line drawn between the Vocaloid bus and the UTAU treehouse... not that anyone pays those rivalries much heed now.

Some of the Vocaloids and UTAU are human, others are entirely from songs and often have no knowledge of contemporary life. Some are simply robots. All are pretty much bewildered and stuck here. Whatever the case, your character has ended up here somehow, and doesn't quite know of a way out. To make matters worse, sometimes the town... changes. People suddenly turn younger, or insane, or... human.

The city is fluid, and anything you want to use is there. There's always room for more, and you don't need to ask for permission to claim a chunk or decide something is in the town or determine a chunk of the town's makeup or declare there's some kind of event going on. If you want to use a bunch of Monars for a post, go ahead - no-one will miss them; similarly, if you need a small army of Chibi-Mikus to go be adorable at someone, well, there you go, there's a bunch right around that corner. Go wild; we don't mind.

The Locations
Several major locations have popped up and kind of been osmosed into the lore. If you're part of one, and want to stick some details in this post, just comment to it or let us know. For example:

The Bus
In the middle of one of the central parks, there's a large and forever brand-new Toyota-branded tour coach. Enormous and full of clutter and crap, it's got a stage and piles of speakers and gear around it. De facto home of the general non-song Vocaloids, Kaito (vocaloidiot) will let pretty much any new Vocaloid grab space here, and usually lets anyone else do the same if they ask nicely. Black Rock Shooter (stars_struck) stands vigil over it, usually camping out on top or inside; this doesn't stop it from exploding or getting cut apart on a distressingly regular basis. It always shows up back again later, though - whether due to Haku and a distressing amount of duct tape, sponsorship money, or a distressing amount of sorcery, no-one's ever quite figured out...
Can I Do Stuff To It: Anytime, no exceptions, go for it. It is happy to take all your abuse and tears and love.

!setting, !the sign, !locations

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