In an attempt to get myself motivated to loose weight, I'll be posting the following information on a semi-regular basis. Weight in lb: 195.2 Body Fat %: 42.9 Water %: 41.2
Where does one find such a nifty scale? I know Scott in Annapolis has one for the body fat thing, but water? Never heard of one that does that. I want one. I am having problems, a year after falling down the ladder, not with my weight, but with my loss of muscle. I want to up my muscle mass but don't know how to measure that, except to measure the weight and body fat, and all that... um, am I rambling yet?
I really want to figure mine out. T.T
But that is OK. :)
The scale is
It's not bad. Not the most accurate in the world, but for $50 it's really pretty good.
Now if only my hands were up to some pole tricks.
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