I decided not to go to IB-12 and have spent the day 'lazing about and watching tv.'
that in reality I watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Cadfael's Rose Rent all the while doing some stitching projects and putting things away in the house.
I took a break after Rose Rent (and mending the elephant's nightshirt. He's stuffed and it's blackworked and very cute. It is also way nicer than anything I've made for myself recently). I also 'hemmed' a tunic and butchered it, so I'm waiting until Bri O'D or
gianetta can help me with the other one. I also need to draft a bodice pattern for my Venetian V-neck, but that too will have to wait for help.
I ran into L.A. at Michael's where I went for antiqued gold beads to fake-out buttons on my black and gold (with brown fake fur, but really nice fake fur) muff. We had a good conversation on the craziness that is our lives. She also recommended 'Children of Men' and I may take myself to that tomorrow as a break from grading and lesson planning. :p
When I came back I started with Constantine and had some lunch then put in Cinderella, Aladdin, and now D&D... and started working on covering an incredibly cheap parasol that I bought at Pennsic this year (and it's a nasty sheer fabric with horribly gaudy painting in the 'chinese style'). I'm using a black cotton with white embroidering that looks a lot like blackwork (only reversed) from about 5 to 10 ft. It is the fabric that will eventually find it's way into at least one gown for Simona. ;)
I have pinned the heck out of the black cover and trimmed it down to fit with about an inch to an inch and a half seam allowance... now I'm stitching it down by hand and hating it... It's hard to hold onto and I need to pull out a thimble to force the needle through the damn glue at the edge (this is a part where I cut the fabric a little too short... sighs).
Well, onward to the parasol and then to bed shortly.... I've been feeling bleh all day and think I've got a cold (oh what a surprise...).