Certain parties look better with beards: Where I ruminate on Thom's beard

Jul 28, 2008 01:09

So yay to England. YAY TO YOU UK. I think. I guess. I believe. I...say no. But ok fine. I don't actually want to write but I have nothing better to do at the moment. And my ire for doing anything else has waned and died. It could be because I'm listening to the low low songs of Radiohead. STUPID Radiohead. STUPID. I'm a fan now. A silly fan. Why did that happen? I mean reeeeally. Thom is now on my list. Quet? Bad. Oh I reorganized my list. Also I'm a confused on my stance on beards. See I'm a big fan of a clean shaven fellow. I'm not a huge fan of a lot of facial hair. However. HOWEVER! Some of my idea has changed on that. First it was Matt. Now Thom. I'm liking the beard-o look. In fact, it works better. Way better. I see dudes outside in the real world (because the 2 previous examples of mustachioed men are NOT found in my world) and think "Hm, the beard/facial hair looks pretty good." So to wrap up on this, I do not know my stance on beards. Well I know I don't like really long beards ala ZZ Top, Santa, etc. And I'm not a fan of facial hair that makes an effort to tell you where the lines of one's jaw is located. And this hair must actually be accompanied by real hair on the head. A certain type of hair. I still have a big thing on that.

I've also discovered that I like cheekbones. You must be a skeleton. A skeletal frame. With defined cheekbones. It's kinda creepy.

Oh and I don't think I'll ever reach their frame. I think I'd have to be a petite sort. This isn't possible. Not in this lifetime. Unless I went anorexic. And yeah I don't think that's very attractive at all. Or healthy. Or ya know, good in general. So un-anorexic I'll stay. I believe this is a good decision.

However. HOWEVER! I'd like to be my idea of fit. Which basically means I want abs. Abdominal muscle dangnabbit. Would that be so bad? Really. Is there some sort of fairy that can do this for me? Ay! I think they're called personal trainers to the stars. So oh well. Or. OR! I could just get really into whatever project I'm doing. And that'll supply me with life. It'll be cool.

But I will not have a beard. No sir. I don't think that's good for me. I leave that to those who can actually make a good one. That ISN'T patchy. I've seen patchy messes. It just doesn't cut it. Or maybe you can work with the patchy. Like trim? I'm not sure why I'm delving into this idea so much. But it's fine.

So my list keeps moving around. I will now enumerate the special individuals. Matthew, Christian Bale, Simon Pegg, Sam Smith (har har), Thom Yorke (what?!), Paul Rudd, Conan O'Brien, Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart, Will Arnett, Jason Bateman, Stephen Merchant.

Note: The first 5 are the top 5. The rest are listed in no particular order. See if you can spot a pattern!
Note on Note: I can't spot a pattern.

So a majority are comedians. And those that I've had a real interest in in my real life (because these men are NOT in my real life) were funny. If this is a major case, what's the deal with those in the top 5? Explanations are welcome. Hair might be a connection? I'm still figuring out the pieces. Also I like personality.

I am a vegetarian. Certain parties would be proud.
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