
Jun 28, 2017 14:07

I am reading the diary of A. J. Mounteney Jephson from Stanley's 1887-9 Emin Pasha relief expedition (if you don't know this fascinating story, look it up). The expedition used waterproof tents; each housed up to ten people and could be easily carried by one porter. At the end of the grueling 3-year ordeal, the tents were stored in London. In 1953 ( Read more... )

original_texts, travel

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Comments 10

egor_13 June 28 2017, 23:43:31 UTC
That you would like to get from the India rubber :)


vdinets June 29 2017, 01:27:25 UTC
Каучука там не было. Брезент, пропитанный для водонепроницаемости каким-то то ли сульфидом, то ли сульфатом.


quest1123 June 29 2017, 02:09:33 UTC
Брезент на 10 человек был бы слишком тяжёлым для одного носильщика. Я бы предположил шёлк


vdinets June 29 2017, 08:51:09 UTC
Там не очень понятно, что имеется в виду. В одном месте написано burlap (брезент), в другом canvass (холст, парусина).


anton_solovyev June 29 2017, 02:34:44 UTC
MSR? Their PU coating degrades even in storage and they won't replace it.

On the other hand, my hiking partner kept having North Face repair his tent for 25+ years, eventually they refused when a zipper broke.

These days I have switched to a Silnylon (Mountain Laurels Design) or Cuben (Hyperlite Mountain Gear) or Black Diamond and whatever fabric they use for Firstlight. These seem to hold just fine over time.


vdinets June 29 2017, 08:52:13 UTC
I don't remember the name of the company, but they had lifetime warranty and replaced the tent.


gorhla July 6 2017, 16:50:25 UTC
здравствуйте, Владимир.
Сегодня доперечитал ваши Песни Драконов, еще ра хочу сказать спасибо за великолепную и вдохновляющую книгу, которая способна увлечь даже в самые непростые минуты


vdinets July 6 2017, 17:11:26 UTC
Вам спасибо :-)


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