Oct 24, 2004 23:53
2 things that i love in this world: 1. spontaneous decisions that wind up being so far awesome than you could have ever imagined, and 2. talking to people you haven't talked to in the longest time.....but anyway....made quite a spontaneous decision today, that freakin rocks....you might know about it already, ive been bragging all day...if not, youll find out tomorrow if my computer stops being gay....i love college!!! and also, i came across this today, and i thuoght it was pretty cool.....what do you think??
"you are sensible and traditional. You like order and routine. You only act when you fully understand what you are expected to do. You like getting your hands dirty and working hard. You are attracted to the outdoors and feel an affinity with nature. You are prepared to wait and can be stubborn and persistent. You should learn to be nice to yourself." shrug!!