The Governator

Oct 22, 2006 20:42

Okay so I had to work today, from 10:15am-4pm, which I knew was going to be a major bummer, which it was at first, and then around 11am, without much of a warning, The Governator himself walks into our Starbucks store with his entourage, and orders a short decaf espresso macchaito, which I made, since I was barring. I called out the name on the cup, and he actually got it himself. We had a short converstation that went like this...

Me: Arnold, your short decaf espresso macchaito is ready at the bar.

He walks over and I hand him his drink.

Me: Have a great day!

Arnold (in his funny Austrian accent): Thank you. Have a nice day!

Me (kinda giddy sounding): You're welcome!

Kinda cool no?

work, the governator

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