Apr 14, 2005 00:00
les souhaits ne viennent pas facile
même si vous essayez votre plus dur
pour incliner les balances du destin
en votre faveur
wishes do not come easy
even if you try your hardest
to tip the scales of fate
in your favor
~i guess i have an innane knack for writing. oh well. i guess i will try to sleep now. i am so tired, but i know that i wont be able to sleep for hours yet. i at least want to lie down for a few moments, because i know that tommorow will turn out to be a trying day. i am so exausted, but sleep comes with much difficulty. i want to sleep right now, for about 100 years, just call me icabod crane. hmmmm. i dont know...sleep baby, its essential to living. then am i not living? zombies...