Jan 01, 2005 14:45
new years=fuckin best time of my life!!!!!!!!
I want to say thank ya much...hahah....to meghan, kaitlen, and dana....
U grls r the best and i dont think i would have had this much funn on new years with out u guys! I luv not getting home until 2 30 and then sneeking out again and not going to bed till like 5 with u guys!!! *WHILE WE R STILL MUDDY OR WET...hahahha
and then to every one (if i didnt say it to u last night...hahahhahaha)
I know this year is gonna be waaaaaayy different from last year and i am very happy cuz it started off great!
And i didnt set myself with resolutions but more of standards and i know that if i keep with them and i can finally b the person i have beem dying to be...and its already starting off great!