The Greatest Caper

May 13, 2006 20:01

Driving under the May sun and a robin

Hatches from the brain and makes its way

Outside through the ear then the window.

Life births things in unusual ways sometimes;

The robin will be picked up on the way back.

Perhaps, though, it doesn’t want to return

To the darkness inside because the thoughts

Drove it insane.  Could a bird go insane?

Could it go back?  If the thoughts expressed

A desire to rob a bank, would the robin

Go to the police?  Does this make it a stool

Pigeon?  It might be best to let the robin go.

After all, the thoughts never gave away

An identity and the car would only give

More clues to the bird.  No, the robin cannot

Be let back in.  The wheel turns slightly

And the robin walks two steps away

From the passing tire, calmly.  For now-

We are both safe.
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