May 06, 2005 00:34
I'm bitchy, i'm tired, i'm PMSing, and i just want to curl up in a corner and chain smoke but i can't because i don't know when i'm going to be able to get more cigarrettes because Suffolk county is run by total assholes who don't see anything wrong with denying people the right to buy products that give them cancer just because they're not 19... well, excuse me, but it doesn't exactly seem fair to givew someone the right to buy them for six months then take it away, does it. now there's another thing that 18 year olds can't do... they can be drafted and they can vote, but they can't drink or buy cigarrettes. i don't understand this fucking country... and now, because i don't know when i'm going to be able to get more... i might wind up having to quit two weeks before i'd planned, right before finals, which means that i'm probably going to fail my finals because i won't be able to get rid of my stress that way, plus i'll have the added stress of breaking a physical and psychological addiction added to it. no cigarrettes means failing my finals, failing my finals means failing my classes, failing my classes means a failing GPA, which means that my mother wasted $15,000 sending me to school... which we don't have to spend, nevermind to waste, which means that i'm in total shit... and people don't seem to understand this, which just might be why nobody's willing to go to 711 with me to buy them. absolutely nobody... you'd think that people would care more. I most certainly care enough about them so that if our situations were reversed i'd do it for them... i mean, it's not like i don't understand it's a filthy habit, that it's bad for me. yes, i do and I INTEND TO QUIT right after finals, when i don't have my stress, on top of my mom's... telling me that i'd better pass my classes to be sure she didn't waste her fucking money, on top of all of the stress i put on myself for absolutely no fucking reason.